The “El Greco” Hand Sign: The Cult of The Virgin? by Charles E S Fairey April 2020 Whilst watching the BBC Four Programme ‘ The Art Mysteries with Waldemar Januszczak: Series 1: 1: Van Gogh's Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear’ , on the evening of 17 th March 2020, where the presenter Waldemar Januszczak, powerfully revealed that Van Gogh, who we all know was mentally ill, also had a ‘Christ Complex’, and identified himself with Christ, and how his works and his life, reflected that ambition, and even included paintings depicting him, whether in plain sight, or in hidden symbolism, as Christ. He also told us how Vincent, as we know had had a very religious upbringing, as his father was a Minister, and Vincent had trained in that profession too, as a pastor, and had tried to become a missionary, and had a deep and rich knowledge of the Bible, and had ritualistically followed parts of Christ’s life, helping and living amongst the poor, consorting with prostitutes, w...
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